Filename: customers.csv
Each row represents a single customer in the billing system, and describes their contact information along with the billing method and information.
This file does not contain the rates/plans that the customer is signed up for, or service related information.
The columns for this file are:
Column Name | Description |
name | Full name of the customer (or company name if business account) |
address | 1st part of the billing address, i.e. ‘1080 Bluebird drive’. |
address2 | 2nd part of the billing address, can be left blank. |
username | username for billing system login, this is used for managing payments/billing methods. This must be unique but can be a customer id if it will be unused |
status | ‘active’, ‘hold’ or ‘cancel’ (without quotes) |
password | password for billing system login. |
city | city for billing address. |
state | 2 character state abbreveation for billing address. |
zip | 6 digit zip code for billing address. |
phone | phone number for billing address, 10 digit including area code i.e. ‘8015551234’. |
contact email address for statements and other billing notices. | |
statement_method | one of ‘CREDIT CARD’, ‘ECHECK’, ‘EMAIL’ or ‘PAPER’ (without quotes). Defaults to ‘CREDIT CARD’. If ‘CREDIT CARD’ is selected, the Fields: cctype, ccnumber, ccexp_month, ccexp_year are required. If ‘ECHECK’ is selected, the Fields: bank_account_type, route_number, account_number are required. If ‘PAPER’ or ‘EMAIL’ both the credit card and echeck Fields are ignored, and the customer will not be charged automatically. |
ccexp_year | credit card expiration date - 4 digit year part. |
ccexp_month | credit card expiration date - month part. |
ccnumber | credit card number. |
cctype | credit card type, must be one of ‘MASTERCARD’, ‘DISCOVER’, ‘VISA’, ‘AMEX’ (without quotes). |
bank_account_type | For ECHECK billing, must be one of ‘checking’ or ‘savings’ (without quotes) |
route_number | For ECHECK billing, this is the customers bank routing number. This must be 9 digits |
account_number | For ECHECK billing, this is the customers bank account number. |
original_id | the current unique id for this account in the billing system. This is used as a key for the customer “rate format.txt” file. The value for this is not limited to being numeric only and can contain both numbers and letters |
attention | If a company name was used in the “name” column, this is the person’s name for the company contact, blank otherwise |
home_address | Separate “home” address if different from billing address above |
home_city | “ |
home_state | “ |
home_zip | “ |
date | Date the customer was originally added to the billing system, formatted as: MM/DD/YYYY |
guarantor_original_id | The cutomer original_id for this account’s “parent” account. If set, the guarantor is responsible for paying this customer’s charges. If there is no guarantor for this account the value should be left blank. If this account to be a guarantor this should be blank as well, the guarantor is only defined on the “child” account |